A digital interactive documentary format created in partnership between the National Film Board of Canada and The Guardian, Seven Digital Deadly Sins explores our modern-age sense of right and wrong through a thought-provoking mix of in-depth articles, short point-of-view films, and anonymous confessions to a wide range of morally questionable digital behaviours.
But is this shifting sense of wrong and right truly universal? In creating the short films for the project, the NFB Digital Studio team also asked seven well-known celebrities from Canada, the US and the UK to confess their own digital sins. English singer-songwriter Billy Bragg justifies his insatiable appetite for YouTube fail videos while ignoring his art. Will gluttony be his downfall? Canadian comedienne Mary Walsh admits to turning a zombie shade of green whenever she looks at Facebook, but just
can’t get enough. Will her envy doom her for all eternity?
Gary Shteyngart, Ophira Eisenberg, Josie Long, Bill Bailey, Jon Ronson… They, too, reveal their deepest, darkest digital secrets to the camera. Their sometimes comical, sometimes apologetic confessions remind us that though times may change, human weakness does not. Technology be praised or dammed.
The Seven Digital Deadly Sins interactive documentary can be found at theguardian.com and nfb.ca/sins.